Positivism, under the last
form of the Anglo-Saxon Analytic Philosophy, is going today through a strong
crisis, suffering from fatal symptoms of creative exhaustion such as
scholasticism, triviality and lack of interest of their discussions for a
general public, specialism in regional philosophical issues (language, the
“mind”), lethal for authentic philosophy, although not so much for sciences,
etc. This crisis runs parallel to the one suffered by Marxist philosophy after
the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the USA, main bastion during the Cold War and
still today of positivist philosophy, this is leading to the search for a new
replacement philosophy which will allow them to remain the world forerunners in
philosophy, as it happened in the second half of the past century. This can be
clearly seen in the work of its most famous intellectual at the present moment,
George Lakoff, disciple, critic and successor of the great Chomsky, when he
proposes in his book Philosophy of the Flesh (1999), written in
collaboration with M. Johnson, a return to a Phenomenological Positivism
inspired in Merleau-Ponty's Husserl.
A Phenomenological
Positivism inspired in the last Husserl of the “life world” (Lebenswelt) and which looks for the
genesis of metaphors (Lakoff & Johnson, Metaphors We Live By,
University of Chicago Press, 1980) in the rationality embedded in the human
bodies, in the “flesh” of their neuronal circuits that coordinate in a logical
way the movements and actions of the subject. Such North American
scientific-philosophical movement, of which Lakoff himself forms part, is wider
and includes neurophysiologists such as Antonio Damasio, G. Edelman, biologists
like G. Bateson, H. Maturana, F. Valera, E. Rosch or E. Thompson, experts in
Robotics like R. Brooks, H. Moravec, philosophers such as A. Clark, H.
Hendriks-Jansen, Shaun Gallagher or the Danish Dan Zahavi, etc. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embodied_philosophy). This movement, as well as having strictly philosophical roots
in Husserl and MerleauPonty, also points out Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset and
Heidegger as illustrious predecessors of the basic approaches of the thesis of
the “embodiment”.
In this sense, the
proposal of a renewal of the philosophy that the author names Pensamiento Hábil
(see Manuel F. Lorenzo, Introducción al Pensamiento Hábil (2007), Principios
Filosóficos del Pensamiento Hábil (2009) and Del Yo al Cuerpo
(2011)) inserts itself in and converges with the already mentioned positivistic
movement in its most basic aspects, although putting more emphasis on strictly
philosophical issues. Not only because of the interest shown by the author in
rescuing, for the philosophical renewal, the proposal of a Positive Philosophy
made by the old Schelling against the Negative Philosophy of his rival and
contemporary philosopher, Hegel, (see Manuel F. Lorenzo, La última orilla.
Introducción a la Spätphilosophie de Schelling, 1989) but also to rescue
philosophical approaches which appeared to be out of date, as the Ratio-vitalism
of Ortega or Heidegger's most pragmatic aspects related to his Idea of the
“ready-to-hand being”.
Nevertheless, we would put
a difference, more in degree than substantial, in the greater importance that
the author gives to the figure of a predecessor of the “embodiment” thesis like
Jean Piaget. For, in the USA, the influence of the Swiss psychologist has been
greater in the area of Pedagogy than in the properly psychological area, partly
due to the weight and greater prestige of the Behavioral Psychology like
Skinner's. In Spain, the influence of Piaget has been very big, both among
pedagogues and psychologist, and for this reason the starting point of the
Pensamiento Hábil necessarily remits to his innovative work. Furthermore,
Piaget must not be considered as a mere psychologist, but as somebody who
initiated a ambitious project of a new general explanation of knowledge, named
Genetic Epistemology, who's frontiers move between science and philosophy.
Being a connoisseur of classic philosophical tradition, although he believed
that he could overcome it to step on purely scientific grounds by approaching again
the foundations of human knowledge, he actually could not escape basic
philosophical assumptions as the thesis that knowledge derives not so much from
the mere sensations as from the actions of the individuals, thesis which was
articulated in a modern way by Fichte. For this reason it is partly accepted
his rejection of the purely speculative philosophy but not of positive
philosophy, which regards unavoidable to assume the necessarily partial results
of the cognitive sciences as the positive starting point from which a more
general, properly philosophical, reflection can begin.
A philosophy, in the
positivistic tradition inaugurated by Comte, must develop, as well as a general
explanation of knowledge, a particular explanation of scientific knowledge following
the different classes of sciences. In this area, however, Piaget didn't go
beyond the organization of congresses and interdisciplinary reunions, not
achieving a finished theorization of scientific knowledge. But Piaget, in
Spain, had a stronger influence, maybe stronger than in other countries, in the
field of the most strictly philosophical creation. As a proof of this the
author remits to the work of Gustavo Bueno, who, in his Teoría del Cierre Categorial
(1992-93) develops a theory of science in which an essential importance is
given to the corporal operations of scientists in the construction of the
theorems in which scientific laws are condensed. Such a conception incorporates
essential aspects of Piaget´s work, without which it wouldn't have been
possible to develop. But, at the same time, by mixing them with ontological
components closer to the Marxist materialist tradition, the philosophical work
of Bueno places itself in a position that, for a positivistic mentality, is
suspicious of relapsing into a sort of scholastic “metaphysic”. Hence, from the
proposal of a new positive philosophy like the one that makes its way in the
“embodied philosophy”, the Pensamiento Hábil proposed must insert the brilliant
achievements of Piagetian Genetic Epistemology as well as Bueno's Teoría del
Cierre Categorial, in a new philosophical foundation able to correct at the
same time one's defect of “scientism” and the other's mistake of “the metaphysic”. In such a sense it has been proposed a operatological positive philosophy as
one that overcomes Husserl's Phenomenological Positivism and, at the same time,
as an open way to achieve new and promising philosophical results.
(Translated into English by Luis Fernández Pontón)